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Feb 10, 2017
Three Steps to a Stress Free Job Interview
Job interviews are one of the most awkward experiences we humans, unfortunately, have to endure in order to live our lives. If you’re...
Jan 30, 2017
A Quarterback's Guide to a Project Management WIN
With the playoffs behind us and the Superbowl on Sunday, it is hard not to relate the game of football to our daily lives. When you start...
Sep 30, 2016
Four Things NOT to do in a Job Interview
Fortune recently gave us some great pointers on what to do in order to Rock your Next Job Interview. They asked executive coach Mary...
Aug 17, 2016
Your Office Happy Hour Survival Guide
We’ve all been there. That fateful invite hits your email and dread immediately washes over you… a work happy hour *gasp*. Now, before...
Aug 9, 2016
How Not to Annoy Your Cubicle Neighbors
There is nothing more annoying than trying to get through that PowerPoint presentation due in the morning and then becoming overcome with...
Aug 4, 2016
5 Tips for your First Week of Work
This time of year we are reminded that the only thing close to that exciting first week of school will be your first week at a new job....
Jul 29, 2016
You might be a Software Development Manager if...
You might be a Software Development Manager if your five-year plan includes big titles and big paychecks, your friends turned to you when...
Jul 27, 2016
Office Supplies for the '90s Kid in all of Us
We all used to cringe when our parents would speak of the “good ol’ days” or when our grandparents would start a sentence with “I...

Jul 26, 2016
The Hardest Interview Question for Millennials to Answer (and how to nail it every time)
The Question: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” The Problem: For someone that's less than five years into his career, this...
Jun 28, 2016
How Parking Garages Make us Better People
Parking garages are a gift in cities with ample businesses and no place to park them. For some, getting a job at a company that has a...
May 26, 2016
Driving Project Management Success with Analogies
Analogies are effective in explaining difficult concepts because they make the unfamiliar familiar by comparison. Using typical life...
May 2, 2016
The 4 Ps of Unicorn Programmers
These days you are more likely to find a unicorn than a good programmer, this is because good programmers possess a special combination...
Jan 29, 2016
Slicing Up Two Pizza Teams
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, coined the idea of Two Pizza Teams arguing if your project team has to work through lunch and can’t be...
Jan 14, 2016
You Might be a Project Manager If...
You might be a Project Manager if… you are the first of your friends to show up for lunch, you coordinate who orders first and demand the...
May 29, 2015
Job Search Advice from the KellyMitchell Team
We recently asked the team at KellyMitchell what kind of advice they would give to candidates during the application, interview, and...
Dec 30, 2013
Engage Your Interviewer with These Storytelling Gems
If your job history was a movie, what would be the most compelling way to unveil it to an interviewer? We’re taking a handful of...
Sep 7, 2012
Keys to Success - How Do You Match Up?
There have been many articles posted recently on the Keys to Success. What do you do in the first hour of work? What was your birth order?...
Aug 17, 2012
The Olympics Taught Us So Much More
After 17 days of non-stop sporting action, the Olympics are officially over. The closing ceremonies are complete, the flag was passed on...
Aug 2, 2012
The Social Games
The Olympics are halfway over and alongside the extravagant opening ceremonies and record-breaking results, another hot topic...
Jul 25, 2012
Thank You Goes a Long Way
Spending lots of time around children this weekend, there were numerous occasions where parents would say to the child “what do you say?”...
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