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Apr 20, 2022
The Recruiter Report: How to Handle Pandemic-Related Gaps on Your Resume
The COVID-19 pandemic left many out of work and searching for a new opportunity. If you’ve experienced a pandemic-related job lapse and...

Apr 28, 2020
Spring Clean Your Resume
The springtime is a perfect opportunity to give your life a much-needed cleaning and update, including your resume! When is the last time...

Feb 3, 2017
Three Fresh Resume Secrets for 2017
If you’ve ever created a resume before, or have visited any type of networking site, you might have come across an article or 20...
Jul 11, 2016
Lifeguarding Your Resume This Summer
Think it’s harder to find a job in the Summer? You’re sort of right if you are generalizing the job market as a whole. This is because,...
Feb 25, 2015
Resume Hack: Keep it Simple
Recruiters take an average of 10 seconds to read your resume during the initial screening process. With such a short amount of time to...
Feb 6, 2015
Resume Hack: Keep it Clean
A hiring manager sees an average of 75 resumes for each job opening. With 75 other contenders vying for the same position, even the...
Jan 12, 2015
Resume Hack: Keep it Relevant
Before you start applying for jobs and sending out resumes, you might want to perform some routine maintenance and add any new...
May 24, 2014
The 3 Best Resume Hacks for Proofreading Mastery
We get it. It is exciting when you find a job that is perfect for you in every way and there is nothing you’d rather do than apply...
Apr 28, 2014
185 Powerful Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome
You did it, now you have to make it count on your resume. Finding verbs to illustrate your part in a project or job function without...

Mar 19, 2013
The Only Resume Tip You'll Ever Need
Twitterviews are trending, and the job search seems to get more “social” every day. But here’s a little secret: Standing out in a sea of...
Dec 11, 2012
Highlight Reel 2012: Career Advice
Looking for a new job in 2013? Lucky for you, we’ve rounded up our best career advice from 2012! Happy job hunting! Starting the Hunt...
Oct 10, 2012
Aspirin Or A Vitamin: What Type of Jobseeker Are You?
When I saw the headline of an article titled Aspirin vs. Vitamin, I have to say I had no clue that the words to follow would be “Which...
Jul 25, 2012
Thank You Goes a Long Way
Spending lots of time around children this weekend, there were numerous occasions where parents would say to the child “what do you say?”...
Jan 23, 2012
Top 10 Resume Tips
Today we will launch a new blog format to hopefully appear frequently. Our first top 10 list is brought to you by our Minneapolis branch...
Jan 14, 2011
Top Tips to Make the Most of Your References
The ever-ubiquotous piece of advice that we’ve all heard throughout our careers: “Network! Network! Network!” What DOES it mean? Does it...
Sep 10, 2010
IT Industry In an Upswing
We know that you have all heard it somewhere before – that we are emerging from the recession (or depression), and quickly! While we...
Sep 1, 2010
IT Certifications
Thinking of getting an IT Certification? Not sure which certifications are important to potential employers? Over the past 2 years, we...
Aug 24, 2010
Rolling Out the Red Carpet...
KellyMitchell would like to welcome Jen Zang to our internal team in St. Louis! Jen will be working as a technical recruiter, and we...
Jul 26, 2010
Tips for Working with a Technical Recruiter (Part 2 of 3)
Our first tips included meeting face-to-face, being honest and listening to our advice. Here are a few more bits of advice to how to get...
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