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Apr 11, 2012
Networking- A Thing of the Past?
We hear it all the time, “network, network, network.” But in my attempts to network, I often end up talking to anyone and everyone about...
Apr 5, 2012
Pins and Pokes and Tweets oh my!!
I consider myself a fairly tech savvy person and according to my recently taken DISC assessment, I’m also extremely social. So much so...
Aug 2, 2010
Announcing Our iPad Winners!
In June we promised that three loyal KellyMitchell followers would exit the summer with new iPads. And today, we deliver on that promise!...
Jun 28, 2010
Follow KellyMitchell Group…and You Could Win a New IPAD!
A few weeks ago we introduced the new KellyMitchell website, promising the same excellent service – with enhanced features and a more...
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