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Feb 3, 2017
Three Fresh Resume Secrets for 2017
If you’ve ever created a resume before, or have visited any type of networking site, you might have come across an article or 20...
Jan 30, 2017
A Quarterback's Guide to a Project Management WIN
With the playoffs behind us and the Superbowl on Sunday, it is hard not to relate the game of football to our daily lives. When you start...
Aug 31, 2016
App Store Optimization Tips
Just like with web pages, youtube videos, or really any searchable media on the internet, there are things you can do to make your...
Aug 9, 2016
How Not to Annoy Your Cubicle Neighbors
There is nothing more annoying than trying to get through that PowerPoint presentation due in the morning and then becoming overcome with...
Aug 3, 2016
KM Around Town: St. Louis Edition
In honor of our annual sales meeting coming to Gateway City, we thought it’s only appropriate that we highlight St. Louis in this month’s...
Jul 29, 2016
You might be a Software Development Manager if...
You might be a Software Development Manager if your five-year plan includes big titles and big paychecks, your friends turned to you when...

Jul 26, 2016
The Hardest Interview Question for Millennials to Answer (and how to nail it every time)
The Question: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” The Problem: For someone that's less than five years into his career, this...
Jun 28, 2016
How Parking Garages Make us Better People
Parking garages are a gift in cities with ample businesses and no place to park them. For some, getting a job at a company that has a...
May 26, 2016
Driving Project Management Success with Analogies
Analogies are effective in explaining difficult concepts because they make the unfamiliar familiar by comparison. Using typical life...
May 2, 2016
The 4 Ps of Unicorn Programmers
These days you are more likely to find a unicorn than a good programmer, this is because good programmers possess a special combination...
Mar 17, 2016
All About the PMO
PMOs (Project Management Offices) have increased in popularity in recent years in order to more efficiently execute IT initiatives....
Mar 1, 2016
Things to Practice Before Your Next Job Interview
Have you ever walked out of an interview feeling great and then wondered why you weren’t chosen for the position? Believe it or not,...
Jan 29, 2016
Slicing Up Two Pizza Teams
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, coined the idea of Two Pizza Teams arguing if your project team has to work through lunch and can’t be...
Jan 14, 2016
You Might be a Project Manager If...
You might be a Project Manager if… you are the first of your friends to show up for lunch, you coordinate who orders first and demand the...
Nov 6, 2015
The Sun Sets Outside the Chicago Office
Happy Daylight Savings! Falling back means we all enjoyed an extra hour of sleep last Saturday, which we will pay for in post-sunset...
May 19, 2015
Job Hunting Tips for the Class of 2015
Congratulations! Now you get to answer the age old question: “What are your post grad plans?” Like many graduating seniors, you may not...
Apr 9, 2015
Interview Tips for Cloud Professionals
1. Know the Industry Show them you’re ready for the next big change in Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is a frequently changing...
Feb 25, 2015
Resume Hack: Keep it Simple
Recruiters take an average of 10 seconds to read your resume during the initial screening process. With such a short amount of time to...
Feb 6, 2015
Resume Hack: Keep it Clean
A hiring manager sees an average of 75 resumes for each job opening. With 75 other contenders vying for the same position, even the...
Jun 4, 2014
Job Advice for the Class of 2014
First, we would like to extend our congratulations to you, the class of 2014. You’ve studied hard, pulled countless all-nighters and had...
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