1. Keep it short and sweet.
You cover letter should not exceed one page. Ideally, it should hover around 3/4 of a page. Remember, you’re not writing an entire narrative of your career, you’re only writing the introduction. Your cover letter should introduce you by name, tell the reader where you found the job opening, shed some light into your expertise, and weave elements of your resume and the job description together.
If you’re running over a page, try identifying the three or four main points that you think are most important to this job and eliminate the rest. You can talk about the other details when you score the interview.
2. Address the person you are writing to.
“To whom it may concern,” doesn’t do much for getting your cover letter noticed. Put yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes. Receiving an email addressed to you specifically is a lot more personal than one addressed to no one in particular. So do some research on linked in, read the fine print in the job description, try and find our who you are sending to, and put their name at the top. This could make a big impact.
3. Make sure it’s legible.
First, make sure your font is easy to read. Times New Roman is the most reliable, but you can try other fonts. Some people even prefer sans serif. It all comes down to what you think looks the best and most professional. Just avoid ridiculous fonts like Goudy Stout or Cooper Black.
Second, make sure the font is the right size. Stick with 12 pt., especially with a font like Times New Roman. Try to keep it between 11 and 14, no lower or higher.
Finally, proofread and edit that letter like it’s a college essay. This letter not only tells the hiring manager who you are, but it also tells them what kind of a writer you are. Don’t be a bad writer. Proofread your letter, have your friends and family proofread you letter. Sleep on it. Come back and make your edits. Take a break. Read it one last time. Then send it out.