KellyMitchell has a long-standing history of supporting the communities in which we live and work; and last year, our employees launched a Community Ambassador program to facilitate monthly discussions around topics important to its members. The goal was education, and these conversations – often inspired by cultural relevance and the headlines – covered topics that range from systemic racism and the Black Lives Matter movement, mental health, and conscious caring, to voter education.
As our employees explored these topics, they often felt called to ‘get involved.’ In the time of global-pandemic and six-foot social distancing, that proved to require a little more creativity than usual; but, the result was well worth it, as they discovered a number of incredible organizations doing amazing things in the communities. We wish we could highlight them all; but, for now – let’s take a look a look at some of the organizations inspiring us currently.
Diversity in the Tech Industry
Black & Brown founders is a 501(c)(3) which works to remove barriers for entrepreneurs of color in the tech industry, predominately when they go to find funding. Black & Brown Founders provides community and education to Black and Latinx entrepreneurs to support them build and launch their tech businesses. The primary offering of the organization is their Bootstrapping Bootcamp which provides coaching towards refining a business idea, making a prototype, and taking it to market.
Black Lives Matter Movement
National Urban League (NUL) works to enable African Americans and other underserved urban community members to reach economic self-reliance and civil rights. Beyond their standard programming, they started a virtual series called the State of Black America. This virtual speakers series covers topics from Covid-19 and the Black Community to voting.
Mental Health Awareness
Through building a peer-to-peer support network NoStigmas aims to support those affected by mental illness and suicide. By providing online and offline platforms for community members to be themselves in regards to their mental health. NoStigmas plans local activities in the Chicago area to help empower those struggling to find support.
Importance of Voting
The Voter Participation Center (VPC) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization to help educate and increase engagement by eligible voters. Since its founding in 2003, VPC has helped more than 5.7 million people register and vote. VPC especially helps young people, people of color, and unmarried women vote.
Post Incarceration Rehabilitation
After noticing a cycle of recidivism, a group founded The Center to help women break this pattern. CWIT provides the full gambit of services to help women who are reentering the St. Louis community from jail or prison. To do this they offer transitional housing, mentoring, basic necessities, case management, vocational services, and life skills classes.
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