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5 Self-Care Tips to be the Best Employee Ever


Raise your hand if you can’t believe it’s already February? And since it’s February, the month of love, so why not give yourself a little extra TLC. We promise you, these small changes will not only help you feel better but also help you be more successful at work!

Remember What Matters to You

We all have something that when we even just think about it, we get a big smile on our faces. So give yourself a daily pick-me-up by incorporating it into your space. Saving for that dream trip to Italy or is your dog the absolute apple of your eye? Set a picture of the Venice canals as your desktop picture or get a mousepad made with a photo of your pooch. Your space (especially your desk, where you spend so much of your day) should bring you joy, so infuse it with the things that mean the most to you.

Give Yourself a Gold Star (or two)

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a little validation on their projects from time to time. But we guarantee you’re unlikely to find coworkers who can provide that for every single task or project. So why not create your own gold star chart to celebrate your wins big and small. Think of it as an advanced to do list. Bonus points if you set rewards for yourself (i.e. every 10 times you get your email to a zero inbox, treat yo self to a Venti Starbucks drink of your choice)!

Take the Long Way Back

Don’t read that and say “Wow, was I just given the chance to procrastinate?”. Because the answer is no. What we will say is the next time you go grab a cup of coffee or to drop something off to the accounting department, take the long way back to your desk. Take a chance to briefly say hi and interact with coworkers. Study after study shows that employees who are engaged with their coworkers are happier, more productive and likely to stay with a company longer. While we don’t suggest lollygagging, do make a point to connect with someone different every time you stretch your legs and you’ll find yourself re-energized and ready to work!

Get Your Beauty Sleep

Pick one night every week (we recommend Tuesdays and Wednesdays) to commit to catching up on your sleep. That means, take the night off from networking events, making happy hour plans with your work BFF and instead head home, and hit the sack early. Pro Tip: Set an alarm (and don’t snooze it) for when it’s time to head upstairs and start your bedtime routine. Double Pro Tip: Find a friend at work to be your accountability buddy and text each other as you head to bed each night!

Talk a Walk Around the Block

Working through lunch, while sometimes necessary and also efficient, can be hazardous to your well-being in the workplace. Grab a quick bite and then step outside and take a jaunt around the block. The fresh air and movement will not only be energizing but the oxygen can support your brain cells productivity! So in this case, sometimes the most productive thing you can do is take a break!

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