Whoops, Monday passed you by and you just saw the office all internal email that there is in fact a costume contest at work tomorrow. Instead of heading to the local Halloween super store and taking whatever scraps they have left, we decided to do you a favor and offer up our best suggestions for all you last minute costumers! Let us know if you give any of these a try, you should be able to do them with things you already own!
Jake from State Farm

We all know the infamous commercial, “who is this?!” “ummmmm Jake from State Farm?”. So grab your khakis and a red polo and you’re all set. Style points for printing out the State Farm logo and adding it to your shirt!
Liz Lemon and Kenneth from 30 Rock

Both fairly easy with your average work attire. For Liz throw on glasses, boyfriend cut blazer and a scarf and then frazzle your hair up a bit and you’re all set! Kenneth just think blazer, side parted hair, brightly colored and outdated tie and an NBC logo print out and you’re all set! Grab your office bestie to really crush this costume!
Wednesday Addams

Grab your favorite Little Black Dress (or black skirt and long sleeve top) and put on over a white button down, add braided pigtails and VOILA, COSTUME!
The Office Cast

Somewhat obvious? Yes. Overplayed? Never. We all know that reruns of The Office are basically everything. So why not grab your pod or department and turn it into a joke? We all have a Dwight in the office after all.
Brawny Man

Garb your favorite flannel and roll up your sleeves and your essentially done! We might suggest slicking back your hair too but it depends which iteration of the famous paper towel front man you go with!
It’s Raining Men

First try to narrow it down to 10 or so celebrity crushes, print off their pictures and cut them out. Attach to edge of an umbrella via twine, thread or fishing line. Add your rainboots and a rain jacket and TADA! It’s raining men! Just make sure you don’t have any super-superstitious coworkers before bringing an open umbrella inside!
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