It’s no secret that the IT industry has a demand for skilled workers, but there is still competition for the best jobs on the market.
Continually honing and acquiring tech savvy can give your career a boost - whether you want to get back to building programs & apps, you’re striving for that big promotion, or you’re ready to take your career in a new direction.
Fortunately, there are many resources available to help you stay relevant, tackle new skills, ask the big questions, and put your job search into motion.
Start here:
Fast Company
Success in your tech career is often built on knowing what’s coming next. Fast Company informs of everything innovative in technology, business, economics, and leadership.
Reporting on digital innovation, Mashable serves up the latest trends in social media, tech, business, and more. Stay relevant, and arm yourself with a plethora of water cooler topics.
General Assembly
General Assembly is busy “Transforming Thinkers Into Creators.” GA offers both live and online classes in technology, business, and design. Great place to start if you are looking to advance your career, launch your own startup, or break into a new specialty.
Code Academy
“Teaching the World to Code,” Code Academy is a free tool for learning to code online. Tackle HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, and Python from the comfort of your couch, and share your projects with other aspiring coders.
Stack Overflow
Programmers are problem solvers, but even they get stumped sometimes. Stack Overflow lets programmers of every level ask questions and receive answers from professionals and enthusiasts alike. Answers are ranked and edited by members, providing the most relevant solution to every challenge.
The mission? To “Share and Grow the World’s Knowledge.” Quora is an ask-and-answer forum that allows members to ask anything and receive answers from people with real world experience. Tech savvy professionals can exchange career advice, best practices, and personal experience.
The Dice Blog Network helps tech pros keep up with the latest technology and career trends. Stay in the know, sharpen your professional skills, and browse hot jobs.
While tech jobs are not the primary focus, Indeed aggregates data from thousands of job boards around the web. It's perfect for performing a targeted job search from one place.
What technology blogs and resources do you bookmark to stay relevant?