It’s mid-May, and that means graduation celebrations are right around the corner! Looking for an ideal gift for your graduate? It’s a great time to replace those textbooks with motivating, fresh reads. Here are some of our favorites!
For the Practical Grad:
“Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World” Based on an impactful commencement speech with more than 10 million views on YouTube, this #1 New York Times Bestseller provides practical advice and bits of wisdom from a courageous retired U.S. Navy admiral. This book is perfect for the organized grad who’s always tweaking their routine.
For the Grad Who’s All About Business:
This page-turner is full of iconic companies’ Wall Street stories, and it’s sure to be a perfect match for any graduating business buff. According to Bill Gates, this is “the best business book” he has ever read! So for any B-School grad or aspiring entrepreneur (like our Founders), this is a great graduation gift.
For the Passionate Grad:
“Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” Do you know a grad who thrives on optimism and has an eagerness to learn? Celebrated professor and researcher, Angela Duckworth shares her secrets and valuable insights to outstanding achievement in this immediate New York Times bestseller. Regardless of what industry your grad might be pursuing after school, I think we could all benefit from improving our grit.
For the Quotable Grad:

“Whatever You Are, Be a Good One: 100 Inspirational Quotations Hand-Lettered by Lisa Congdon This is a timeless compilation of quotes from brilliant thinkers; a beautifully illustrated, light read and an excellent coffee table companion for any new grad’s apartment. Editor’s tip: add little notes to some of the pages so when they are searching for a pick me up, they will be reminded of you and their accomplishment of graduating.
For the Grad with a Big Sense of Humor:

“Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps Maybe your grad isn’t digging all the seriousness that comes with life after graduation? This New York Times Bestseller provides “adulting” advice with a humorous, yet insightful approach. It’s an exceptional kick-back and laugh book as they head into this next phase of life.
If you know of a recent grad who’s looking for their next opportunity have them check out our profile on The Muse to learn about life at KM and our open roles!