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Gratitude: The State of Being Grateful : Thankfulness

This weekend, as I began preparations for Thanksgiving, I had one of those rare moments. Everything was perfect, my sons were dancing and singing to the radio, my husband was snoozing on the couch and I simply stood there watching my family and feeling truly grateful.

It is so easy to dwell on what to give for the holidays, preparing meals for guests, how to stretch the budget, to become frustrated while standing in long lines…add to the list the many things that will get your blood boiling in the next 6 weeks.

But, I challenge you to look for the moments of real happiness, of pure unsolicited joy. They are there and to recognize and appreciate these moments is the best gift you will receive this holiday season.

I would like to express our sincere gratitude to our consultants, our clients and to all the people that make KellyMitchell a success. We wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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