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How Our Moms Inspire Us

With Mother’s Day today, we were reflecting with some of our team on how to celebrate the women who raised us. We are lucky to have been raised by some of the absolute best moms out there and on this day, in particular, we wanted to do something to acknowledge of the way they have encouraged and supported us. So today, in honor some of these incredible women, we asked some of our employees to share how their moms inspire them. Here’s what they had to say.


My mom inspires me to be a life long learner. At age 52 she started her own business and has become very successful navigating the foreign worlds of social media and e-commerce. She also inspires me to live every day focusing on how I respond to the challenges I face, rather than the challenges themselves. Regardless of what is going on in her life, she works hard and is always in a good mood. She has an infectious positive attitude towards life.

- Giovanni Ferrara

My Mom has inspired me since the day I was born. She truly has the biggest heart in the world & has a way of making everybody she encounters feel so special. When I think of her and her contagious energy, I’m inspired to sprinkle her positivity to the people around me. She has taught that even the smallest acts of kindness can go a long way.

- Sophia Georgantonis


My mom inspires me to dream big and love big – She has a heart of gold and I’m so thankful for her! ❤

- Ariel Dierkes

My mom inspires me every day in the way she lives her life. My mom the most joyful person I know and she can light up a room with her smile and energy. She chooses positivity and shares that with everyone around her. She’s also our fiercest supporter and advocate and for that, I am eternally grateful.

- Katie Zimmerman


She inspires me in so many ways. Honestly too many to name but here are a few: be kind, humble, hardworking; along with few she also inspires me to travel, not take life too seriously and to always take chances. Recently my mom and I took a trip to Italy – there she inspired me to explore and have a glass of wine at every place we stopped at 😊

- Trish Orozco

My mom is… My hero. My rock(star). My best friend. My biggest supporter. My safe place. She inspires me to be kind and empathetic. She inspires genuine gratitude… to humble myself, to be aware of the to the abundance of blessings I have and knowing how precious life is. She inspires me to rejoice in times of joy and find laughter in the trials and pain. She inspires me to know my limitless potential, see my worth and beauty and not believe anything less. She inspires strength and confidence. My mom has been my biggest cheerleader from day 1, and I couldn’t be more grateful that I get to be her kid. Everyone is made better in her presence – she is a true light in this world. I love my mama! ❤

- Jessie Jenson

My mom inspires me to be a better person! She’s such a positive, thoughtful person, who rarely has a bad day. She’s always super involved in whatever community she’s in, and she doesn’t know many strangers. 😊 She’s great, and I aspire to be like her!

- Gretchen Olwig

  • By bringing me into this world and giving me a shot at this thing we call life

  • By leading by example and always making the best out of even the worst of situations

  • By showing me that laughter is the best medicine

  • By instilling in me that talent can always be trumped through hard work and grit

  • By the way she treats others with utmost respect and expects the same in return

  • By always being there for me no matter what hour

  • By showing strength through pain

  • By seeking the good in others

  • By loving me unconditionally

  • By believing in me and always reassuring me that there is nothing that I can't accomplish or overcome

  • By being an angel in disguise

I love you, Mom!

- Rich Gallagher

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