It’s all too easy to put professional goals on hold. Whether it’s our busy schedules or self-doubt, we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to accomplishing bigger tasks. Luckily, there are many strategies that can help you check an item off your professional to-do list. Here are several ways to get one step closer toward achieving your career goals.
Set a Big Deadline
This one might seem like a no-brainer but setting a concrete deadline for a goal can help you stay on track. Sign up for a class, commit to a presentation, or get a meeting on the calendar with your boss to discuss a raise or promotion. You can also share the deadline with close friends and family so they can hold you accountable.
Set Mini Deadlines
Accomplishing a big goal can seem more manageable if you break it into several steps. Set mini deadlines for different parts of the process.
Treat Yourself
Sometimes, especially when the goal is daunting, it can help give yourself small rewards along the way. Treat yourself as you pass checkpoints associated with the goal. You can also plan something fun for when you’ve finally achieved your goal to motivate yourself to continue.
Trust Your Timing
Different people are productive at different hours of the day. Know yourself and when you’re most productive, and schedule times to work on your goal based on that information.
Find Yourself a Cheerleader
It helps to have encouraging people in your corner while you’re trying to achieve a goal. Ask a trusted colleague to hold you to deadlines and give you positive feedback along the way.
Go Easy on Yourself
It’s normal to feel overwhelmed or discouraged while completing a goal. If you find yourself hitting a wall, make sure you’re sleeping enough, exercising, eating well, and participating in fun activities that aren’t related to work. It’s important to take care of yourself, otherwise you could end up suffering from burnout.
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