In many ways, looking for a job is like looking for a new pair of shoes. If you’ve been just getting by in a position that has been rubbing you the wrong way for too long, it can be exciting to imagine that the job that is perfect for your needs is out there. You just need to figure out what you are looking for, stick to the criteria most important, and get out there and find it. Sounds easy right? To make it even easier, we have broken it down to ensure your next hunt is a breeze.
Know What Will Make You Say “I’ll take it!”
Are you shopping based on price, comfort, or stability? Sometimes these things are mutually exclusive with shoes and with jobs, so you will need to know ahead of time what’s most important to you. A job that pays well now may not offer long-term opportunity. Or, you may be asked to trade a drool-worthy culture and impressive atmosphere for lower pay (Very common at start-ups).
It’s important in shoe shopping and in job shopping to be smart with these decisions so you aren’t left regretting them later. The best scenario for both would be a really good balance of all three, but it is important to know your priorities in the event that you have to choose what’s most important.
Does It Fit?
Another thing to think about on your next job shopping mission, is if the position fits your skills and will allow you to do what your good at. Does it meet your needs? The trendiest heels of the season are a bad idea if they are three sizes too big. No need to buy tennis shoes if you don’t enjoy exercise. It’s really the same idea with job hunting.
Don’t let money and looks distract you from what you need out of your career from a job function perspective. You need to feel like you are doing what you love and not wasting your time, so don’t sell yourself short just because they have a pool table.
Get Yourself a Personal Shopper!
It can really pay off to have someone on your side, keeping all of your interests in mind during your job search just like a personal shopper would work on your behalf to find you the best shoes for your needs. Not only do recruiters save you time by weeding out the already filled positions and those that you really wouldn’t like, they can also be the buffer so you don’t jump before you have had an opportunity to really think about it.
The last thing you want is to have remorse after starting at a new position. Your recruiter is there to make sure you have all of the details, provide both sides with accurate expectations, and most of all, ensure it’s the right fit. The best part? Unlike personal shoppers, recruiters are free!
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If you are interested, drop us a line, we might know a few recruiters here at KellyMitchell!