Today KellyMitchell is at the WBDC Entrepreneurial Women’s Conference, and thought it was fitting to take a look at our supplier diversity experience. KellyMitchell’s story begins with our founding partners – professionals with a background in procurement who recognized the need in the marketplace for a skilled and flexible workforce, especially in the IT space.
We began as a women-owned business, but it was not until about six years in that we really became educated on the innovation and value diverse partners bring to Fortune 500s and the customers they serve. In fact, KellyMitchell’s Fortune 100 partners played an integral role in introducing us to the right supplier and procurement channels, encouraging our relationship with the WBDC and inspiring our WBENC certification.
Taking Advantage of Every Opportunity
In order to fuel our steady, organic growth, KellyMitchell has taken advantage of every opportunity (no matter how large or small) that we have been given through supplier diversity. After years of attending and growing our involvement in the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, we had the honor of representing women-owned enterprises as the WBE sponsor of the WBENC National Conference and Business Fair in Minneapolis this past June.
Not only have platforms like the WBDC EWC and the WBENC Conference provided a venue for women and minority-owned businesses to take the stage in front of Fortune 100 companies and build those relationships, but also have offered opportunities for businesses like KellyMitchell to use our experience and and share our success story with other diversity-certified WBE and MBE organizations.
A Valuable Aspect of Our Success
Supplier diversity has been a crucial avenue to new opportunities for KellyMitchell. At the same time, our status as a diversity-certified women-owned business does not explicitly define us. Like any successful organization, a growth-oriented mindset and refusal to rest on our laurels has driven our success.
Our main priority will always be to fill a niche need for Fortune 500 companies with a model that delivers top talent more efficiently and with a higher level of service to our partners and consultants than our much larger competitors can meet.
Technology is constantly evolving, making it increasingly challenging for large organizations to procure skilled professionals that can add value to their business. The need to proactively source top IT professionals has only increased in demand in the past 15 years. During this time, KellyMitchell has developed and strengthened our distinctive business model and deep pipeline of connections in the IT sphere, allowing us to quickly deploy top technical professionals to Fortune 500 companies across the nation.
Supplier diversity has been an invaluable inroad to seize these opportunities, and we will continue to focus on using each and every opportunity we have to meet and exceed our partners’ expectations. In the video below, KellyMitchell CEO, Cassandra Sanford, discusses how supplier diversity has opened doors for KellyMitchell, and how we plan to continue to grow and excel in our service to Fortune 500 organizations.