Project Management woes with healthcare dot gov, a free SCRUM & LEAN Agile methodology course and more: project management articles and headlines for the week ending October 26th.

PM Talk: The Future of Web Design
Making “cool stuff” for the people of the Internet is fun, but not always easy. Your clients hire you for your ability to make amazing experiences on the web and in apps, but they also want to be sure that you can keep your projects on the rails. Check out Brett Harned’s slide deck on making projects easy for designers and web developers. More… [from Adventures in Project Management]

Free Course on SCRUM & LEAN Agile Methodologies
The free four week course is aimed at anyone looking to gain more knowledge about the Agile philosophy whether they have previous experience with Agile projects or not. It will introduce students to two of the most common methodologies of Agile by examining the core principles of SCRUM and LEAN and comparing their main strengths and weaknesses. Students should gain an understanding of how each can bring value to an organisation. More… [from CMO]

Fixing – or Not – Healthcare Dot Gov
As the Administration brings in experts to fix the issues with the healthcare dot gov website blunders, Johanna Rothman explores the issue not from a development and testing standpoint, but from a project management angle. Will adding more people to the project expedite issue resolution, or further lengthen the process? More… [from PM Toolbox]

PM Style – Are You Owning it Like a Boss?
Some PM’s prefer micromanagement, going into every little detail, while others put their faith into the Team they’ve built. You can find those who see personal communication as irrelevant in the technology age, as well as those who just like to talk to people. The point is that somewhere during your career you acquired Your Personal PM style. More… [from Life Without Biases]

PMBOK 5th Edition: Happy Co-Existence with Agile Attained?
Has the latest edition of the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) evolved to incorporate Agile methodology? Bryan Campbell, an IT professional more than 20 years experience in the management and architecture of large scale technology solutions, gives his take on PMBOK5. More… [from Quality Project Delivery]