From taming coder cowboys, to rethinking the stigma around Six Sigma: project management articles and headlines for the week of September 21st.

Social Media Brings Project Managers Together
On September 25th, a project management ‘flashblog‘ will highlight more than 70 project management bloggers writing their thoughts on the title ‘What does project management mean to me – a Project Manager’s sermon’. More…
[from Virtual Project Consulting]

Taming the Wild West: Agile vs. the Cowboy Coder
It’s not unusual for any practice that falls outside of traditional Waterfall methodology to be tagged as “Agile.” This can be an incorrect distinction when it comes to programmers who insist on working in silos. Mike Carey explores how to spot and tame the a cowboy coder in your midst. More…
[from Mike Carey]

Rejecting the Tyranny of Metrics
The average software development shop spends a lot of valuable time tracking, analyzing and reporting metrics. But metrics for the sake of metrics can be ineffective, and even detrimental if the end goal is not carefully considered. More…
[from VersionOne]

Project Management Challenges Survey
The 5 project lessons to take into 2014 infographic looks at what project and service based organisations see as their key challenges and pain points when running projects. The infographic sums up the key findings. More…
[from Access]

Project Management Heaven or Hell?
Francis Hooke discusses how to convincingly argue the case for a better course of action in projects, avoid project management hell, and enjoy project management heaven. More…
[from Quality Project Delivery]

Shhh! Don’t Mention Six Sigma – The Truth Behind the Stigma
“I am about to say something that I rarely do in public these days (I bet that got your attention!). I am a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt. There…..I did it.” More…
[from I J Golding]