You’ve likely heard of “ The 5 Love Languages” in your personal life, but it may come as a surprise that a spin on those same tenants can apply to workplace appreciation. From clients to colleagues, to vendors — learning to understand and employ these concepts can help create more positive communication and relationships, ultimately leading to a better quality of work.
Quality Time
For those who resonate with quality of time as their appreciation language, it’s all about carving out time for that person. Consider spending time showing a new coworker the ropes or listening to a client’s story. Expressing consideration through such acts can have a meaningful impact on building a solid working relationship.
Raise your hand if you love presents! [raises hand] But seriously, who doesn’t love a gift here or there? Whether it’s some awesome company merch, a homemade sweet treat on a birthday, or a trophy to celebrate a significant milestone, there are many ways to acknowledge your work friends who love presents.
Words of Affirmation
Sincere compliments are the name of the game here. Going out of your way to verbally recognize someone’s efforts or achievements can significantly impact their day and self-esteem. Praising someone’s great presentation or even acknowledging their latest haircut can go a long way in making others feel appreciated.
Acts of Service
This is perhaps one of the easiest languages of appreciation to express in the workplace by simply helping others. This can be anything from assisting a coworker in accomplishing a new task or by saving a client time by setting process for them. Finding ways to be of service to those you work with is always greatly valued.
Non-Verbal Cues
It’s important to think thoughtfully about appropriate non-verbal forms of appreciation in the workplace. Consider what a firm handshake says to a client or how much a coworker might welcome a high five to celebrate a completed project. Small gestures still have a way of sending a big message.
If all of this sparks an interest to you, check out the book “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace” as co-authors Gary Chapman and Paul White further explain the 5 pillars as they relate to the workplace.
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