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Three Steps to a Stress Free Job Interview

Job interviews are one of the most awkward experiences we humans, unfortunately, have to endure in order to live our lives. If you’re lucky you are one of those rare people that has no problem talking up all your accomplishments to a group of strangers while extracting pertinent information about the open position at hand. If you are the majority, you start sweating just thinking about it.

At KellyMitchell, we prep, assist and sit in interviews all day long, so we know a thing or two about how to chill when all you really want to do is go home and eat a sleeve of Oreos and forget the whole thing. Here is some of our best advice to make your next job interview a stress-free one.

Lower the Stakes –

According to Andy Teach, the main reason we get nervous going into a job interview is because we start thinking about how our livelihoods can depend on it. “Getting a job, especially one you really want, can certainly impact your self-worth and general happiness. It enables you to pay your bills, save money, have health insurance, and do something every day that you look forward to doing,” he told Forbes. That’s a lot of pressure! It’s easier said than done, but try and remember that each bad interview is good practice for the BIG WIN.

You will go home with something no matter what. Another tip is don’t make it worse by telling everyone you know you have an interview ahead. Telling people does two things; it can make you just want to bring home the BIG WIN when you might not even like the company or the position might not be right.

It also adds pressure since now you know you have a small crowd waiting to hear how it went. Just keep it to yourself if you can until after, so you can focus on whether or not the company and position are a good fit.

Go In Prepared –

Think about how you feel going into a meeting fully prepared versus walking in blind. Your mood automatically changes according to your level of confidence in the topic. This is no different from job interviews. It’s important to go into the interview with a solid understanding of the company, the position, and how the position directly supports the business. Do some research online and look up a few of your possibly soon-to-be coworkers on LinkedIn.

Looking back on this article about successful interviews, we discuss being prepared by creating a two-minute talk about yourself and following four easy prep tips. If you are lucky, the hiring manager will send you a list of questions to either have prepared or send back prior to the interview. This may seem like an added annoyance, but it’s actually a blessing in disguise. It will only help you feel more prepared and this will greatly reduce the anxiety you will naturally already have.

Clear Your Head –

Once you have your prep completed and you are ready to go, take some time to clear your mind beforehand. Join a morning yoga class or take a walk around the block on the day of the interview to keep yourself from stirring in your seat watching the minutes tick.

If both of those options aren’t possible, call a friend and talk about something you have planned (or get something in the works) for a few minutes. This should distract you from compounding any jitters and will also give you a little energy boost so you will walk into the interview refreshed and ready.

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If you are looking to put these tips into action, check out our open positions and apply! We will help you even more when it’s time for your first interview.


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