Where to find Tech Jobs? Check out Atlanta!
“The City in a Forest”
Home to Delta Airlines, Coca-Cola, Home Depot and United Parcel Service (UPS), Atlanta Georgia was recently rated 2nd amongst the top “Tech-Friendly” cities in the U.S. according to PC Magazine. Atlanta doesn’t just host the busiest airport in the U.S.; the city also is home to great universities and a lot of capital to invest in tech start-ups.
PC Magazine looked in to how much the residents of Atlanta tweet daily to help determine their rank amongst the competition. Atlanta comes in 2nd with most tweets per day. Atlanta’s tweets account for 1.5% of all tweets sent out amongst big cities. This might not seem like a large percentage, but if you look at the population of the city, Atlanta comes in with a very high tweet-to-population ratio. Another big win for Atlanta is the city’s 3G/4G download speeds. Atlanta comes in 2nd in this category as well. With over $205 million in investments, 37 startups and high tech rankings, it’s obvious why Atlanta is so highly rated for tech folks.
Atlanta Tech Village
Have a unique tech startup idea? Be sure to check out Atlanta Tech Village. Atlanta Tech Village is a commercial office building designed for tech and tech-related companies between 1 and 30 employees. Companies housed in the building must live up to one simple standard: cool people, doing cool things. While they are NOT an incubator, they do offer a variety of services and perks for members. The benefits for members are awesome: the Village Lounges, office hours, and the ATV running club are just a few of the cool perks members can take advantage of. Atlanta Tech Village’s goal is to help Atlanta become one of the top ten tech cities in the next ten years.
The ATL has some pretty awesome tech start-ups, too. Take a look.
Similar to Groupon and LivingSocial, ScoutMob has integrated location-based check-in platform Foursquare to the user interface. They are proving to be a strong competitor as they have over ten million users and have expanded to over 20 cities.
MailChimp is the leading email management platform. MailChimp provides its clients with advanced analytics and a simple to use set of templates. Newsletter newbies can look like design pros with the simple interface MailChimp offers. Integrated services include Google Analytics, Shopify and Paypal.
Since its founding in 2008, Cloud Sherpas has been named Google Enterprise’s Partner of the Year. Cloud Sherpas is quickly becoming one of the leading cloud service providers. After experiencing 300% revenue growth year after year from 2008-2011, Cloud Sherpas has acquired cloud service providers in Australia, New Zealand, Kansas City and San Francisco.
Ready to find an awesome job in one of the tech-friendliest cities in the U.S.? See KellyMitchell’s latest job openings in Atlanta!