Whether they’re swiping a square at the local food truck, collecting sales leads on an iPad,

or depositing checks with a smartphone, consumers demand to be mobile.
At the same time, keeping up with the swift wave of mobile technology is a challenge, and the competition for mobile development is high.
The most progressive organizations are going mobile to the core – not only in their product offerings and marketing efforts, but also throughout their infrastructure. They expect their internal developers to keep up with the mobile trend in order to lead their competitors in the demand for customers as well as talent.
Both the consumer and business facet of mobile has opened up a plethora of opportunities for developers with the right skills. Whether you want to augment your skill set in the search for better consulting opportunities, or want to remain valuable to your current client, mobile development is a smart path to take.
Visit Indeed Job Trends today, and the evidence is in the data.
The top 10 job trends of the moment are overtaken by mobile skills, including: HTML5 (no. 1), iOS (no. 3), Android (no. 4), Mobile app (no. 5), and jQuery (no.6)
However, the right skill sets are not always enough. Companies are also seeking candidates with the right experience – a proven track record of implementing mobile applications.
To enhance your marketability as an IT consultant, start sleuthing out opportunities with existing clients to bring mobile app development to the table. Uncover mobile development needs outside of your client’s IT department:
Develop an app for capturing leads on a tablet for the sales fleet
Mobile-optimize the marketing website
Create a mobile application for an internal HR time tracking system.
Mobile device and mobile data traffic is quickly surpassing traditional desktop and fixed internet access. With the current gap in the supply and demand for mobile developers, honing your mobile development skills can greatly increase your marketability as an IT consultant.