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What The Bachelor Can Teach Us about Job Hunting

There’s nothing quite like watching 30 women vie for one guy on national TV to make you wonder what you’re doing with your life on a Monday night. But since The Bachelor is one of America’s guiltiest pleasures we figured we’d at least try to figure out how we can apply some of what we were learning to our own lives. And it didn’t take us long to draw some clear parallels between The Bachelor and your job hunt! So without further ado here are your contestants, I mean lessons.

If You Want Something, Go After It.

If last night’s dismissal of Liz taught us anything, it’s that if we are passionate about wanting something, or even “maybe” wanting to learn more about something (or someone), we need to make our interest clear. Nine months after meeting Nick, Liz showed up on the doorstep of

The Bachelor Mansion hoping for a warm welcome [SPOILER ALERT] only to be quickly shown the door. It’s kind of like your job search, if you don’t follow up or are sending mixed signals, employers will move on to someone who’s clearly more interested in the role! Don’t be a Liz when it comes to your job hunt.

Wear Something Tasteful But Memorable.

We might as well call the first night of this season the “Red Dress Debacle of 2017”, with 12 of the 30 contestants showing up in red dresses. While, we can’t say for sure certain girls were sent home because of their undistinguishable outfit choices, when the girl in a shark/dolphin costume earns a slot over other more “qualified” candidates, it does make you wonder.

So to avoid this situation happening in your own career search, wear something tasteful with enough flair to make you memorable. Ladies, if you are going to wear black, pair it with a statement necklace or consider dark jewel tones that can be toned down with a black blazer. For you gentlemen, think about adding a pocket square, fun bowtie, or shoes with a little bit of color.

First Impressions Are Everything.

Never has there been a better example than 30 women all trying to make an impression on a guy within mere hours before potentially getting sent home to show us why first impressions matter. Just like with job interviews, whether they are over the phone, via Skype, or in person, you always want to put your best foot forward. Strong eye contact, annunciation, and a firm handshake will all go a long way in helping you make a lasting impression. I mean it’s all about that first impression rose, I mean job offer, right?

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