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Why Emotional Intelligence Matters in the Workplace

EQ Matters

Mental Health Awareness Month is here! And you may be wondering how that relates to emotional intelligence. Interestingly enough, developing emotional intelligence can lead to improved mental health! It can also lead to better communication, stronger relationships, and greater success in both your personal and professional life.

Emotional intelligence — or EQ — is the ability to understand, use, and manage your emotions in positive ways. It also refers to the ability to identify the emotions of others. The five components of high EQ include:

  • Self-awareness

  • Self-regulation

  • Motivation

  • Empathy

  • Social Skills

Employers seek to identify emotional intelligence during the interview process. Why? Research shows that it is a reliable indicator in regard to being able to predict a person’s success in the workplace.

Why EQ Matters

High EQ allows you to be able to emphasize with others, communicate effectively, and be both self and socially aware. It’s important when you are dealing with situations like change and obstacles.

The American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education published a study proving why employees with high EQ perform well in the workplace. It increases an individual’s ability to make sound decisions. Emotional intelligence also allows you to build and sustain collaborative relationships.

The study also showed individuals dealt more effectively with stress — coping with constant change. So while employers are looking for candidates with high EQ, there are some interview questions you could be asked to measure where you stand.

Quizzical Questions

Employers may ask pointed questions to uncover your level of emotional intelligence. The questions are typically more scenario-based formatted questions. Here are a few examples:

  • What’s something you’ve achieved that you’re most proud of and why?

  • Tell me about a time when you had to neutralize a stressful situation in a professional environment.

  • How do you recover from failure?

  • What do you consider to be your biggest weakness?

These questions focus on self-recognition and how you navigate different situations to achieve the results you envision. These questions don’t have a wrong or right answer, but there are ways you can prepare and develop your emotional intelligence.

A Mindful Moment shares that taking a moment to be mindful or meditating before you walk into an interview [and otherwise incorporating it into your daily schedule, even when you’re not interviewing] can help you connect with your current emotional state. Meditation is a fast way to reduce stress.

Mindful meditation helps individuals become more present in their daily lives. It can improve your ability to comprehend your own emotions and help you learn how to recognize the emotions of other people around you. Additionally, it can strengthen your ability to govern and control your emotions, so you’re in a clear state of mind and prepared to respond fully.

Are you ready to up your EQ game? Understanding the depths of our emotions to develop a sense of control is not easy, but the strength and potential the awareness gives us results in limitless achievements.

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